
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
review-companion to the Joe McCarthy bio by Larry Tye
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
A balanced look at a man who became addicted to power which turned him into a bully and destroyed him.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
review--this week's DC Comics releases 8/4/20
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
I still enjoy the exploits of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and their DC colleagues.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Science & Religion aren't enemies!
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
From New Year's Day 2017, Dr. Danny Faulkner discusses "The Creat Cosmos"

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
C.C.Nguyen novel of escaping South Vietnam in 1978
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
When South Vietnam fell to the communists, life was turned upside down. Former soldiers were sent to "re-education camps" (slave labor death caps), civilians were persecuted, property and belongings were confiscated. So they left, and it was perilous, but the choice to stay was worse.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Bodie Hodge on why Noah & the Ark still matter
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
From Jan.2017, theologian Bodie Hodge explores 40 reasons why Noah & the Ark still matter in his book, "A Flood of Evidence".